Thursday, October 01, 2009


Since I’m not sharing very personal stuffs, i shall share 7 things that people may not know about me...

1) I'm Short temper, Sometimes nasty attitude... But I'm improving on that

2) I've no patience

3) Among my whole family, I'm the most untidy gal. (I tend to throw my things all

4) I've 1 elder brother (14 yrs apart), 1 elder sister (12 yrs apart), and myself a
twin sister (age 21 this year) the youngest of the family and YES we are twin...

5) Even though mum is Malaysian, I’m still Singaporean cos my dad is
Singaporen and I'm born and raised here in singapore.

6) I'm always LATE.... I been trying to kick away this bad habit BUT i can't haha.

7) My appearence may look like 1 Ah Lian BUT I'm Not... I'm rough at times and
my friends around me call me a tomboy or monkey...

8) Soft-Hearted.

9) I dun fall for guys who are younger or at the same age with me.

10) I LOVEeee sleeping... I can sleep up to 15 to 18 Hours per day

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