Tuesday, October 06, 2009

SIN 2009- Self Employes "Models" Shows ALL????

You Guys must be wondering What does it mean "SHOWS ALL"?
On the second day of SIN,
This Model name Tracy attract a whole big bunch of photographer why???
Because she purposely show off her Butt, breast to all photographer while poseing...
She even call me to join her to pose WTF...
I'm not mad to join in...
Meet Tracy.
She is not an eye candy to most of all,
BUT she can win any guys over in just a few poses at SIN'09.
Not any normal Tracy, she is Sunshine Tracy.
She really can do anything under the sun!What so special?
1. She is a self-employed model at the Super Import Nights show.
( What you mean by self-employ? )
(Meaning She pay for the ticket just to come in for photographer to shoot her)
2.She came with two photographers to shoot for her.
3. The UNCLES all love her in just a few seconds
4. She now everywhere on the net with her bravery acts and poses.
Source from Stomp!http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/this_urban_jungle/260354/mystery_model_strikes_revealing_poses_at_car_show.html
Below are images' links STRICTLY M18.Please do not click on the links if you are under age of 18.Note: I do not wish to pollute my blog with images, thus I posted the links.
When her PH say "HELLO" to the world of perverts.
She just enjoying?
She puts half ball on her butt
She need "Deforestation"
Lying down posture?Imagine the viewers at the front can just see everything

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