My New Pink Canno IXUS95
My Namecard Holder
Did event with 19 pretty babes includes of 3 Caucasian models =) Client took a very long time to select 20 Models... Lucky me that i am being selected earlier on=)
Love doing events as there is always free foods,drinks and most importantly can sit down with customers and chat haha...
Events located at TurfClub and our jobscope is very easy and good money... What we have to do is to help those VIPs to place their bets and to chat with them... Its my first time entering and visiting the turfclub and its also my first time betting on horses=) Total lost $10 on both matches=( Ivins lost $10 too ha...
Its not easy to take 20Gals into the pictures=)
Winnie, Jaslin, Me, Eve
Kanny(Ambassor for HAKUBI. SATO / part time actress (perfect cutII) , JoJo, Me (2008 singtel gridgirl / 2009 top100GND), Soina (Catch her on S Factor), Winnie, Ivin, Jaslin (Catch her on every chinese magazine for adverioral for FastTalk), Michelle, evien